Humanoid hippopotamus girl, wearing leather armour, full body, holding shield and lance

Envision an anime-style depiction of a humanoid hippopotamus girl. She is fully-armored, donned in notably sturdy leather. In her grip, she confidently wields a polished, imposing lance, complimented by a trusty shield offering reliable defense. Her robust structure and prepared stance truly encapsulates the essence of a hardened warrior. Try to highlight the anime nuances within the design, emphasising stylised eyes and exaggerated features, while blending the distinctive attributes of a hippopotamus into her humanoid anatomy.

Envision an anime-style depiction of a humanoid hippopotamus girl. She is fully-armored, donned in notably sturdy leather. In her grip, she confidently wields a polished, imposing lance, complimented by a trusty shield offering reliable defense. Her robust structure and prepared stance truly encapsulates the essence of a hardened warrior. Try to highlight the anime nuances within the design, emphasising stylised eyes and exaggerated features, while blending the distinctive attributes of a hippopotamus into her humanoid anatomy.

Humanoid hippopotamus girl, wearing leather armour, full body, holding shield and lance

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